Psycho-social risk factors in patients with coronary artery disease
Cardiovascular disease has been studied worldwide for its importance in mortalityrates, as well it has been recognized an important role of psycho-social variables as predisposing factors, triggers and maintenance agents for this rates. However this scenario,as evidenced by health psychology, still has a lot of skepticism in medical settings where it is still an unknown area and it is ignored their importance and scientific evidence originated in other countries. This background suggests that there is a need to develop local studies to reflect and reveal the real facts about cardiovascular disease in the city. This is why a workline was set to identify the most important psychosocial risk factors in a population of patients with ischemic cardiopathy, in Medellín – Colombia. The present is a cross-sectional study realized with a sample of patients with adiagnose of CAD who underwent surgery in the Cardiovascular Clinic, and a control group of people without the diagnose. For data collection standardized and internationally validated psychological tests were used. The findings consist in evidence suggesting the association of psychosocial risk factors to Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), so it becomes necessary to continue the study to evaluate the impact of the found factors.Impacto
- Psicología [380]